Movement towards the future

RHOMBUS Rollen Holding-GmbH & AS Rollen GmbH become Colson Rollen GmbH

COLSON Group, the world's leading manufacturer of wheels and castors, is expanding in Germany - The two group companies RHOMBUS & AS Rollen become Colson Rollen GmbH.

It was the right step towards the future. According to the principle "Leadership through Partnership", we are working for a continuous further development of quality, service and customer care and fair cooperation with customers, suppliers and workers.

True to our slogan “ROLLING AT THE SPEED OF LIFE” we want to meet all requirements of life and be your competent partner for the purchase of high quality castors & wheels!


Colson Venta

Image Colson Venta

Colson Catálogos

An overview of our range of products.


Las ruedas y aros de COLSON mantienen su negocio en marcha.

Las ruedas y aros de COLSON mantienen su negocio en marcha.

Así se puede elegir entre ruedas para muebles, ruedas para aparatos, ruedas para uso médico-técnicos, ruedas de equipos de transporte, acero inoxidable y ruedas de carga pesada con diferentes horquillas, accesorios y fijaciones. Además, nuestra gama de productos contiene una gran variedad de ruedas, que están hechos de caucho, poliamida, polipropileno, elastómero termoplástico (TPE) y poliuretano (TPU). Además, estamos en condiciones de ofrecer ruedas resistente a la temperatura y conductoras de la electricidad.

Naturalmente podemos realizar demandas individuales y personalizadas en cualquier momento que lo solicite. Aquí usted puede encontrar todos los detalles necesarios, en referencia a nuestra gama de productos. Si necesita mass información o tiene necesidades especiales, no dude en contactar con nosotros.

Es un placer ayudarle!


Colson News

See how we are moving lives forward!

Image See how we are moving lives forward!

"VIVAX 2.0" - Colson Germany´s new generation of plastic castors

With many years of experience we are a specialist for the production of plastic castors and have been successfully selling the "VIVAX" castor series, which is established in the market, for many years. 
After further optimisation regarding function and design, we are looking forward to present you the new castor series generation "VIVAX 2.0", which you can now purchase from us! This high quality plastic castor is available with different fittings & wheels and therefore usable for nearly all applications.

Click here to get further details. 

Image "VIVAX 2.0" - Colson Germany´s new generation of plastic castors